An Epitaph for the Forgotten



24′58″, 2021.
Adem Tutić
Rajko Petrović, Olja Janđić
Adem Tutić
Ana Melentijević, Adem Tutić
Branka Pavlović




   The Jewish cemetery in Novi Pazar, neglected and forgotten for almost eight decades, has been reconstructed for the first time. After the Holocaust, the cemetery did not have a caretaker anymore. Residents of Novi Pazar have lost the memory of their fellow citizens, Jews of Novi Pazar, who had once lived in this city. A handful of people have kept the memory alive, among them poet Šaban Šarenkapić, who has used poetry and prose for years to deal with this issue. His goal is to show how to treat the remains of someone’s eternity. Disappointed with the state of the graveyard and the negligence of his fellow citizens, he has not visited the cemetery for years. For the first time in a long time, Šaban Šarenkapić and a group of citizens visit the graveyard to find it in a worthy state.


Adem Tutić from Novi Pazar is a student of film and television directing at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts, University of Arts in Belgrade. Through various educational programs, both formal and informal, he has acquired crucial knowledge on differences, tolerance, and human rights. Such experience results in his interest in creating political art.